
Early Childhood Education

NC Pre-K: How to Apply

Begin by reading our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Also available in Spanish

Logo CircleQUICK TIP: The best time to complete a Guilford County NC Pre-K Application is early spring! 

Logo CircleCOMMON FAQ: Will my child's application be first in line? Placement is not based on when an application is received. 

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Before Applying: Have Everything Ready!

Logo CircleQUICK TIP: Have all your documentation and information ready! This application is best completed in one sitting! You cannot return to an application to make changes or submit a second application without delaying the process significantly. 

¡Esta solicitud DEBE completarse toda en una vez!


  • Children who will be four (4) years old on or before August 31, 2025 (birthday between September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2021)
  • Priority is given to children who have not had prior preschool experience, may be economically disadvantaged, or have a developmental delay.
  • Other eligibility factors include:
    • Limited English proficiency
    • Identified disabilities
    • Chronic health conditions
    • Educational needs
    • Children of active-duty military

Logo CircleCOMMON FAQ: I think my child has development or education needs and may need an IEP, what do I do? Contact Guilford County School's Exceptional Children Preschool Services.


Logo CircleCOMMON FAQ: Do I submit original documents or copies? Submit only COPIES of documents, we cannot accept originals. 

Applications MUST have the following to be complete:

  1. Proof of Birth (copy of birth certificate OR medical records OR immunization records) 
  2. Proof of Residency (copy of current utility bill OR rental agreement OR valid driver’s license/ID) 
    • Documentation must have the same physical address listed on the application. 
  3. Proof of Income (copy of 2024 1040 OR 2024 W-2 OR 4 recent, consecutive paystubs) 
    • Additional income, if applicable, such as child support, unemployment benefits, workers compensation, and/or SSA/SSI/SSDI. 
    • Both parent's income must be submitted before application can be processed
  4. If Applicable – Documentation of chronic health condition, parent’s military service, development or educational needs, and/or Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Documentation is required for additional eligibility factors that include homelessness, foster care, receiving refugee services, public housing, TANF/Work First, Medicaid, SSI, Food and Nutrition Services (Food Stamps), or SNAP. (Documentation is only needed for one additional eligibility factor). 
Also available in Spanish

Logo CircleQUICK TIP: You can also submit required documents by email to ncprek@guilfordchildren.org

También puede enviar los documentos requeridos por correo electrónico a ncprek@guilfordchildren.org

Logo CircleQUICK TIP: If you submit using a smartphone, you are able to take pictures and attach the required documentation at the end of the application!

¡Consejo! Si envía usando un teléfono, puede tomar fotos y adjuntar la documentación requerida al final de la aplicación.


Use our NC Pre-K Search Tool to rank your choices of NC Pre-K classroom locations across Guilford County. You can access a pdf version HERE.

Logo CircleQUICK TIP: EVERY classroom has a qualified NC Pre-K instructor, curriculum, and can meet a variety of educational and developmental needs. Base your decision on what's best for your child and you. Is a location close to home? Close to work? Has afterschool care? Provides transportation? Answer these questions for yourself when making your selection. 


Stay in the know by signing up for the Guilford County Partnership for Children Newsletter, following on Facebook for extra tips and tricks, and joining in for live questions and answers on the Facebooks Events page. 

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After Applying: Wait and Watch!

Logo CircleCOMMON FAQ: How long will my application take to process? We wish there was an easy answer, thousands of applications come in and we take the time to make sure each one gets the attention it needs. Make sure to sign up for updates on the Scribbles dashboard to see that your application is being processed. Once processed, you will be notified. If eligible, expect to receive additional communication from the site your child has been placed in.



What happens after my application is complete? 

  • If you have any GCS choices, you will receive an email from gcs-prek@gcsnc.com to complete the online Ages and Stages in about four to six weeks after your application is completed. 

When will I know if my child was accepted into NC Pre-K? 

  • If you have a GCS first choice, it will be mid-June 
  • If you have a private or Generation Ed (Head Start) choice, it will be mid-June. 

What happens if my child is placed, but I need to make changes to my application? 

  • If you have been assigned to a GCS site and need to make changes to your application, please contact the Guilford County Schools Pre-K Office at  (336) 370-2362 or email gcs-prek@gscnc.com. 
  • If you have been assigned to a Private child care site or a Generation Ed (Head Start) site and need to make changes to your application, please contact the Guilford County Partnership for Children at (336) 274-5437 or email NCprek@GuilfordChildren.org. 


You are now ready to complete the Guilford County NC Pre-K Application for your child by visiting the NC Pre-K Application Page linked HERE.
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